WOW...that rulez! I approve taking classic greatness and doing rock or metal covers of them ^_^
This was amazing :D
WOW...that rulez! I approve taking classic greatness and doing rock or metal covers of them ^_^
This was amazing :D
Thanks so much!
this is really gud
I automatically think of Kikyo and Inuyasha when I hear this...damn you Kikyo. Great job.
Well I put this into my music folder for my copy of oblivion, so now every time I play I hear this, so this tune makes me thing of Oblivion. XD
That is awesome! It's like Dragonforce.
This is really really good, man. Sonic rulez (eventhough I'm a Knuckles fan lol)
Thanks! Knuckle's is cool too!
As Toki would say...
This is most impressive and brutal. Great to listen to, awesome job!
Haha! Thanks youz dumbz dildoz!
*jumpin, fistpumpin*
OH man, this makes ya wanna dance alright!
I approve, this is great for clubbin!
hell yeah man! Glad you enjoyed it!
Working, eating, sleeping, some gaming, and repeat lol
Joined on 4/7/10