Working, eating, sleeping, some gaming, and repeat lol



Joined on 4/7/10

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Very nice likenesses! 'specially Haruhara's creepy eye (wat, no hungy teethy grin?). Oh, in the last post, 42 is the answer to: life, the universe and everything. The problem is: what's the exact question of life, the universe and everything?
In the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (first book) a computer is created to ask the ultimate question. Took 2000 years or so to build it. And 'round 10000 to answer it. Damn thing said 42 was the answer. Then the old computer said, "Look that's the answer. I can't compute the question. However, I've got plans to build a computer way better than me that can get the question... take a billion and a half years." Humph.
To top it all off, the computer was a few minutes from completeion, when a Vorgon construction fleet vaporized it to make way for a galactic bypass route.
A kindly drunk Brit wrote it for a BBC radio play sometime ago, then wrote a book(s) and, not long after his death, some Hollywood types totally pimped it into a movie (where I hope it died of scurvy and scabies in south central LA).
Phew! Anyway, it's a Western version of sci-fi quirkiness on par w/ FLCL.
If you like audiobooks, there's one out there.

Thanx, dude!
Of course, I totally forgot about 42...fail on my part. But wow, that's a lot to take in but very interesting. The last audiobook I listened to was a few chapters of Eragon, I think. I remember when I was a kid, i listened to audiobooks of Frog&Toad...love those stories ^_^
Haha, scurvy.

Yeah, sorry. Next time I won't be so cryptic 'n I'll use wiki links or something. More sci-fi tomorrow: my spine and I go into a (probably GE) MRI. It's just a big slab that goes into a plastic hole that makes a lot of noise, like a scanner, ironically. I guess I'll be put off house-techno music for a while.. gotta remember my ear plugs.
Do you have any work? Since I got smashed in a MVA, I've had nothing :( Used to freelance PC computer tech, houseclean, and rough plumbing. Haven't done commercial video in so long... I feel dead inside without a creative occupation.

Oh jeez, what happened, dude? So sorry :(
I'll have more work posted up, I'm still getting my website together too lol. As for a job, I've only gotten some money from shoveling snow and babysitting (I like the babysitting more ^_^). Ah, I remember getting an MRI...not fun, shud've kept my hair down at the time. Soooo NOT cool.

I got a picture in an old post from last year. She blew a stop sign and I couldn't stop... mybibliophile (another NG buddy I converse with) was in a car that had an accident just recently.
Oh the machine was a Seimens, so I hope to see some nice dirty pictures of my admittedly yellow backbone. Someone better burn me disk soon...
Website? For your artistic tendencies? Post some freebies here.. or are you worried about the rough nature of reviews here?

Sure, I'll post some, I don't mind I do need the critiques :P Yeah, I hope I can get a career going. My website's still in working progress and I have totake more photos.
Oh dear, get well soon friend. Yellow backbone? That sounds kind of cool, like the color of marrow...if it's yellow. Still, pretty cool.

Actually it's my belly that's yellow..;) 's not like I got jaundice or anything. Although when I was a baby, they gave me some poorly manufactured antibiotics that stained my adult teeth before they even came out. I think if I had filed for the class action suit, I would've had 38$ or something. There were enough kids that it happened to, that they called the discoloration "cum stains" . Cute huh? Nah didn't think so.

XD wha? that's terrible. kids can be jerks..that's why they get punted.
Jaundice, very interesting. That's gud u don't have it.
Ur gut's yellow? That sucks, does it affect you physically onany other way?
Stained adult teeth...once again, that sucks...thanks a lot hospital, right?

Oh, my... so literal! You've never heard of "turning yellow" or "being a yellow belly". Sigh. Our American aphorisms (a short pithy saying expressing a general truth; maxim)(hmm, not exactly wat I meant) have gone unused these days.
Thanks tho; I'll be okay! It's what the sawbones are going do to fix me up, I worry about. Hee - the printed report says I got two hair line fractures and 4 pieces of meat (in between the vertebrae) that are screwed up. I'm still walking, yay! Guess I'll never be in a demolition derby :( That's gotta be fun. Too bad I told my brother not to do it when he was 18. The idea sounded potentially bad when I was little. That was before I gotta hold of his go-kart...
Is there anything fun to do anymore? I used to play "touch" football with my friends - no one ever got hurt 'cause we were all the same height and weight and stuff.

Badminton's fun...I think that sport's pretty badass. haha, go-karting, fun. Right now, sculpting's fun. :)
Oh jeez, hope u'll get fixed up, bu that's gud ur still walking.

Yeah, well, if I didn't have the legs to haul my laptop a few thousand feet down the road, we wouldn't be talking! I was pretty good at badmitton and volleyball, 'cuase I could always land it, right inside the back corner lines, out of everyone's reach. Otherwise I sucked, due to the proximity of spikes and style of swing.
Killzone was easier to play.

lol, fo shizzle man.
Killzone, sounds beast. I'm more into Tekken 3 or Mortal Kombat...but I only play them every great once in a while. I do enjoy good old sega genesis Sonic ^_^ Atari games, yay.

Why aren't more people speaking to you?? They must see your art reviews and stuff... Just a quick word before the redesign erases all our accounts and we never talk to each other again! It'll probably be mostly cosmetic stuff.
I await your reply in the new world!

*sigh* I dunno, not a problem though. They might not get a chance to read all their reviews or they just don't want to (?)
Whoa, what redesign thing? Aw, what? I hope it won't be that different. Yeah, until we meet again in the next realm, friend, lol. ^_^

Yeah, maybe this is another realm. The Full moon's lunacy seems set to 11 right now.... I'm at home and online typing this, not in a cold garage over a 1/4 mile away!! Somehow, for the first time ever, I'm getting a signal right to the laptop on my desk, in my nice warm room! And sitting down. And not peeing, 'cause, how long does anything good last, ya know?

I know what you mean, dude :P This realm is very nice actually ^_^ i approve.
That's gud you are able to enjoy ur computer in the comfort of ur warm room. The full moon's kick ass, no wonder my day has been pretty good. ^_^
Hopefully the gud thing lasts a while lol.

The wifi link got cut off alot during internet rush hour today, 4-10PM. Seems to be doing okay now! Had a massive vote-binge when they released the under judgment stuff (state-whore stuff, sorry) Still tracking down bugs and finding out if things are going to get fixed. Lost all my favorited artists, link wise. One guy whose been here as long as me lost all his submitted art!
How ya been?

I'm gud, thanxs 4 asking ^_^ How art thou?
r u serious? all his work's gone? That is messed up :(
I should check out my stuff again, drat.

Uhh, you have only 8 artists favorited? All my "art creators" got wiped out, as I said... For me, I'm not surprised. I had like just under 200 artist links.

Wha? Oh dear...Hmm, I thought I had more favorite movies...the artists, i counted 10 but ur right i thought I had more. Oh well, guess I'll just add more then.

Small price to pay for progress, I guess. My very old reviews are still there, so I'm fav'ing the ones that didn't suck so much, for my blog visitors to peruse. Time sure is a thief....

A thief, like a ninja in darkness...too bad a ninja wud get its ass kicked by a Spartan lol. Ever watch Deadliest Warrior? It's so fun lol.

Seems like I always lived a spartan's life. I think ninja's could strike faster and earlier than muscly, under-fed spartans.. maybe. "The wise thief prospers", ever hear that one? An old friend of mine's catch phrase: Ninjas can't catch you while you're on fire.
You change your "occupational" aura yet. I picked filmmaker, for nostalgia's sake.
Deadliest Warrior.. maybe a bit. I'm TV-less at the moment; my father's the one with the glowing babysitter... can you sleep with the TV on?

lol...fire. I mean uh *clears throat* Yeah, I've slept with the TV on...but I prefer off now.
I always had an image of me hugging the arm of a Spartan whislt he had a gift of a defeated one's head on a spear just for me ^_^ So romantic.
Occupational aura? Hmm, haven't picked one yet lol. I don't really have a steady occupation at the moment...fail :(