Working, eating, sleeping, some gaming, and repeat lol



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Yeah that must've been after Bruce Lee died, when Chuck was fresh. He's not the planet buster so much anymore. Still, a cool customer.

R.I.P. Bruce Lee
True, Chuck Norris is not the kick-ass youth he once was during and after Lee's death...but he still kicks ass.

or is it the bagel?

Vegeta can haz bagel?

Sure if he brought lots of spaghetti.

no...cream cheese...yeah.

I totes just F'ed your A.

...don't drop the soap.

so yes he can have a bagel


have another bagel free of charge.

Speaking of bagel, I just had lox bagel sammich...yummo.

Ever see Invasion USA? That's a good chuck film... 's bout russian and cuban infiltrators coming to the US and trying NOT to be scragged by chuck. Charles Bronson's another favorite of mine...

OMG, yes i did see that---brutal. None of those guys stood a chance against Chuck Norris...the ending was the best...after killing offa few thousand guys in the building, not to mention the U.S. army killing outside, one on one with the main guy then BOOM. So great.
I just saw him in a film with David Carradine, and he's half dead, drinks a beer then drives a truck from under ground onto the surface and runs over a few bad guys...amazing lol.
Another Chuck favorite was Delta Force...epic XD Theme song's catchy too :P

Oh and excellent choice in faved pics! I used the Shadling BnB one for a user pic last halloween. Why do so many women like his work? Sometimes I wonder if his wife beats him..... and binds him:)!

It is badass work...the icecream foot fetish picture really caught my attention. Haha...S&M.
Ever play Meet & Fuck BDSM? So messed up. What really weirded me out was how slow each "moment" was lol. Those games are either, too slow or too fast---or too WTF. Y'know?

Funny... David Carradine (the old man right? yeah, keith's his son....) died in a Bangkok hotel room, strangle-wanked from the ceiling wearing SnM type stuff. That was a year or so ago. Yeah I played that game... I guess most guys can't appreciate unique foreplay (or any for that matter).

right when you said Bangkok I thought of "One Night in Bangkok"...gud song, interesting video lol.
Oh yeah, David Carradine...man. There's typical foreplay, then there's BDSM...(sigh). Anywho, nothing wrong with that, except the part where ur asphyxiating urself just to get off. What happened to just licking off whipped cream or chocolate sauce?

Can't stand seeing it in porn though; most of the guys doing it are extra creepy and greasy. What a website huh: chuck norris and fetishes all in one post! Invasiion USA was cool; got it late last year. Can't think of the name of the other one you mentioned. Another chuckie film that I scored from the library, Forced Vengeance done in Hong Kong... even has jackie chan in a quick uncredited cameo.

Really? I gotta check that movie out lol!
I just saw one episode of Walker Texas Ranger and I was just amazed. Only Chuck Norris can intimidate Chuck Norris...after that, any opponent is screwed.

True... but george bush and dick cheney managed to intimidate the whole world. Ah. I'm just being old. Just caught your corgi art review!
Just got done watching knocking on heaven's door. I asked this question of the NG folks before: what's a good, one or two season anime to get into? I loved Bebop, Panty and Stocking and Vandread... so where should I go from here?

Hellsing, with Alucard. So good. Another one wud be FLCL, 6 episodes of WTF and gud music :P. There's also Metalocalypse...cant wait for season 4.

Okay, three hours ago I started to get all the Foolie Coolie eps. from torrents.... after I made my Pop and I some dinner, I find a bunch of kids in the garage where I borrow the internet. Oh well, I got 4 of the six, I hope: the craptop was stuck in the middle shutting down when I checked on it. Maybe one of them was an ecomentalist trying to save the world by shutting down a laptop that sucks no more juice than a lightbulb.
Thanks for your friendship and media advice - I scanned the first episode and it looks salaciously good! (humph, some wikipedia, had to go another site to confirm my useless words..... Appealing to or stimulating sexual desire; lascivious.)

awesome! I do dictionary.com to find such badass words and make sure I'm using them correctly. I wish I cud use more extended vocabulary most often.
I'm glad you found FLCL desirable \m/ most excellent.
There's also Trigun, Lupin the 3rd, and Super Milk Chan lol.
Ur welcome, friend. ^_^

It's just... why robots?? Okay, I can understand a lot of their culture (I wish we didn't have to set everything on fire over there during WWII). But robots tolerate radiation only slightly better than fleshy critters do. Maybe when they built tanks to go into China, and the old timers got a charge out of the idea(?)
Even though Vandread had robots of a sort, they were incidental to the plot... and they sure as hell didn't think for themselves. One of these days, I'm going to do a book search to see if there's a book called "Why Robots?" or something.
My puny laptop can't do torrents and firefox at the same time :( Oh well, gotta make din-din for pop-pop anyway.

that is true, I think there is an episode about that in FLCL. They mention Gundam and why robots and the morphing structures connect with that city of Mabasan. It's confusing, but in a nutshell the leading kid says it's all pointless...I tripped out watching FLCL and loved the creativity.
But you should write a book about that.

I'm useless when I get to novella length.
Okay. I watched the first three FLCL's and it is strange. Teen angsty and surreal "haven't slept in three days and when I did..." dream-like. It's definitely worth keeping on my meager HD for analysis.
Ahem. One of the main reasons I (try) and smoke pot, is to keep vivid and highly entertaining dreams at bay. If I had written screenplay's for even a fraction of what I dreamed, I would've put a lot of uptight white people out of business.
The lead kid might say "It's pointless and/or uninteresting", but it is. Especially to people who've seen and done great things and wonder, what else is there?

LOL, nice.
True, it's like he's surrounded by things that seem incredible and amazing to people around him...but to him, it's like "big deal."
That sounds like the tale of Bellerophon and Pegasus. Awesome story, love Greek myths.

..is? Meant isn't - everything's interesting, just like "everything by everyone" and "problems of the future today" and "42" ...

uhm does that apply to rule 42 of the internet? Sorry, I mean everything is interesting, but not everyone thinks the same right?
Plenty of problems for the future, hooray for the economy. It is slowly picking up, I guess.
Anywho, FLCL amazes me how it's mostly technology and robots that provide what mysterious things happen during the series, like you said about the robots.

It's over 9000!

XD lolol! Loved that moment!